Cuatroochenta listed on BME Growth
Investors and shareholders area
Daily stock
Daily stock information 2025-03-25
Latest price
Differential (%)
Annual profitability 2025 (%)
Accounts 2023
Financial Information
Q3 2024 Results
(*) Recurring income for the last month of the financial year, multiplied by the 12 months of the year.
Relevant facts
28/02/2025 Operations carried out by managers
25/02/2025 Operations carried out by managers
19/12/2024 Operations carried out by managers
02/10/2024 Financial information as of June 30, 2024
06/09/2024 Operations carried out by management
28/08/2024 Operations carried out by management
09/07/2024 Significant participations at June 30, 2024
03/07/2024 Operations carried out by management
25/06/2024 Operations carried out by management
07/05/2024 Financial information Q1 2024
03/05/2024 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
30/04/2024 Appointments to the Board of Directors
16/04/2024 Investors Day 2024 Presentation
08/01/2024 Acquisition of own shares
07/11/2023 Financial information at September 30, 2023
03/11/2023 Operations carried out by executives
25/09/2023 Financial information at June 30, 2023
25/09/2023 Presentation of results at June 30, 2023
27/07/2023 Sustainability Report 2022
06/07/2023 Significant holdings as of June 30, 2023
14/06/2023 Financial information Q1 2023
23/05/2023 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
10/01/2023 Significant holdings as of December 31, 2022
03/01/2023 Operations carried out by managers
23/12/2022 Financial information 3Q 2022
15/12/2022 Acquisition of Cloud Factory, S.L.
11/10/2022 Operations carried out by management
08/07/2022 Significant participationsesolutions
30/06/2022 Completion of the capital increase process
03/06/2022 Capital increase
26/05/2022 Presentation of Foro Medcap 2022
24/05/2022 Announcement of general shareholder' meeting
26/04/2022 Presentation of 2021 results - Investors Day
01/04/2022 Convertible loan signed between Cuatroochenta and Multiactividades reunidas SA (Grupo Pavasal)
17/03/2022 Preview results Cuatroochenta 2021
23/09/2021 Acquisition of Mensamatic, SL (Develapps)
07/07/2021 Communication of significant holdings
27/05/2021 Corporate presentation Medcap Forum 2021
20/04/2021 Call for presentation of results 2020
08/04/2021 Preview of results for the year 2020
10/03/2021 Acquisition of Fama Systems, S.A.
31 · 12 · 2020 Acquisition of the company Sofistic SAS (Colombia)
22 · 12 · 2020 Financial information Q3 2020 accounting and proforma
18 · 11 · 2020 Acquisition of the company Iris Ekamat, S.L.
30 · 10 · 2020 Financial results for the first half of 2020
28 · 08 · 2020 Acquisition of the company 4TIC
22 · 07 · 2020 Call for Ordinary General Meeting July 2020
16 · 06 · 2020 Annual accounts Soluciones Cuatroochenta SA
Corporate Governance
Alfonso Martínez Vicente
Member of the Board of Directors, COO and representative on the Board of Directors of the minority partners that are part of the Cuatroochenta team
Verónica Trapa Díaz-Obregón
Independent advisor and president of the Audit Committee of Cuatroochenta
Carlos Ochoa Arribas
Secretary of the Board of Directors and member of the Audit Committee of Cuatroochenta
Media coverage
More news-
Eiffel enters Cuatroochenta through convertibles
Soluciones Cuatroochenta, listed on BME Growth, closes a financing agreement with the investment group Eiffel Investment
Cinco Días
Cuatroochenta closes a €2 million financing with Eiffel Investment to undertake new acquisitions
Cuatroochenta raises two million in financing from the French company Eiffel to face future acquisitions
El Español (Invertia - Disruptores)
France’s Eiffel invests in technology company Cuatroochenta
El Economista
Entrepreneurship out of necessity at 18 years of age | Cuatroochenta
The Latibex Forum 2024 ends after 250 meetings between 40 companies and 60 investors
Estrategias de Inversión
The 26th Latibex Forum ends after 250 meetings between 40 companies and 60 investors
BME Bolsas y Mercados Españoles
Discover the BME Growth companies with the highest profitability in 2024
Estrategias de Inversión
Cuatroochenta earned 665,490 euros until September, almost three times more than a year earlier
Europa Press
Five jewels in profitability hidden by the Spanish stock market from SMEs
El Nacional
Cuatroochenta develops together with Incibe a cybersecurity alert management system with AI
Valencia Plaza
Cuatroochenta consolidates profit and seeks new acquisitions
The technology company Cuatroochenta boosts its sales by 24% due to the pull of cybersecurity
El Economista
Three small jewels of the Spanish stock market that multiply the profitability of the Ibex by seven
Activos/El Periódico de España
The six companies that are sweeping BME Growth with revaluations of up to 148%
Estrategias de Inversión
Valencian listed companies advance led by banks
Revista Plaza (Valencia Plaza)
Cybersecurity, an innovative niche for investment thanks to Valencian influence
Las Provincias
Cuatroochenta, winner of the Company of the Year award in the Human Resources category
El Periódico Mediterráneo
Cuatroochenta lands at the PTA of Malaga with its cybersecurity firm Sofistic
La Opinión de Málaga
Cuatroochenta, a technology firm that emphasizes the value of its workforce
El Periódico Mediterráneo
Javier Rillo takes over the financial management of Cuatroochenta
The CEO of Cuatroochenta: “Entrepreneurs need continuity because if not, society will not move forward”
Onda Cero
Alfredo R. Cebrián (CEO Cuatroochenta): “The public administration must support start-ups”
El Mundo
Cuatroochenta returns to profit and is considering new purchases “of increasing importance”
Valencia Plaza
Cuatroochenta, the only company in the Valencian Community among the best SMEs to work for in Spain
Valencia Plaza
Cuatroochenta increases its business by 25% and almost doubles ebitda up to September
El Economista
Cuatroochenta increases revenues 25% and doubles ebitda
Pfizer, Newmark and Cirsa, awarded for best practices in FM and FS in Mexico
Newsweek en Español
David Osuna: “We are focused on organic growth and operational improvements”
Valencia Plaza
Technology company Cuatroochenta paves the way to profit this year and increases revenues by 26%
El Economista
Cuatroochenta reduces its losses up to June to 100,000 euros and increases revenues by 26%
Six investment ideas for micro caps in the Spanish market: “They have great potential”
SMEs, necessary actors for the modernization of the economy
El País
The Chamber of Spain and Banco Santander reward Cuatroochenta for training and employment
Castellón Plaza
Cuatroochenta’s sales increase 31% through March
Cuatroochenta technology company increases its business by 31% up to March
El Economista
Castellón airport abandons manual work
Las Provincias
Castellón Airport implements a pioneering platform for digital infrastructure management
Europa Press
Leading cybersecurity software vendors award Sofistic as a benchmark partner in Latin America
La Prensa
Cuatroochenta raises revenues by 30% in 2022, but loses 1 million from acquisitions
Cuatroochenta grew by 30% in 2022 after reaching 19.3 million euros
Valencia Plaza
Cuatroochenta grows 30% in 2022 to 19.3 million euros
The leading software manufacturers in cybersecurity award Sofistic as a reference partner in Latin America
Vida Digital
Cybersecurity software manufacturers award Cuatroochenta in Latin America
Castellón Plaza
Cyberattacks grow 165% despite awareness
IT Now
Cuatroochenta reinvents technological and human training: this is your bet to generate and bind talent
Disruptores e Innovadores (Invertia-El Español)
Five different startups for five successful models in the year of investor ‘cooling off’
Disruptores e Innovadores (Invertia-El Español)
Calviño visits Espaitec and highlights the importance of innovation at the UJI as “key to the future”
Castellón Plaza
Cuatroochenta: A technology made from another paste
The BME Growth technology companies face 2023 with more optimism
Cuatroochenta acquires the technology firm Conpas for two million euros
Cuatroochenta buys Conpas for 2 million euros
Cuatroochenta grows 32% and alleviates its debt
Cuatroochenta loses 675,000 euros until June, but increases its income by 31%
Estrategias de Inversión
The market does not value the growth of Cuatroochenta from Castellón
Valencia Plaza
Cuatroochenta raises 6.8 million euros to accelerate its acquisitions and internationalization
Valencia Plaza
The voracious appetite of the computer guardian
El País
The technological company Cuatroochenta begins to operate in the United States
Estrategias de Inversión
Alfredo Cebrián (Cuatroochenta): “In four years, our income has increased by 72% annualized”
Cotizalia (El Confidencial)
Cuatroochenta approves a capital increase of up to 8 million
Cuatroochenta launches a capital increase of 8 million to grow with new purchases
El Economista
Cuatroochenta approves a capital increase of up to eight million to gain ‘muscle’ and expand markets
Invertia (El Español)
Cuatroochenta increases sales by 26% in the first quarter
Cuatroochenta enters 26% more until March driven by its cybersecurity business
Estrategias de Inversión
Cuatroochenta earns 26% more through March, driven by its cybersecurity business
Estrategias de Inversión
Cuatroochenta increases sales by 26% in the first quarter
Inveready doubles the size of its convertible bond fund
Alfredo Cebrián: “Going public has opened many doors for us, it’s not just a financial issue”
Diario de Teruel
Cuatroochenta lands in the US hand in hand with cybersecurity with a long-term project
Invertia (El Español)
Cuatroochenta extends its convertible agreement with Inveready to 5 million
Cuatroochenta creates its first subsidiary in the US through its cybersecurity firm
El Economista
Cuatroochenta grows 26% and close to 15 million in turnover in 2021
Valencia Plaza
Not only is it enough to digitize, it is also necessary to change internal processes
El Español
David Osuna (CFO Cuatroochenta): “Making the leap to the Continuous Market would be a natural evolution”
Estrategias de Inversión
Technological ‘made in Spain’: this is how they gain ‘muscle’ and attack the niche market to position themselves in the world
Invertia (El Español)
The first company from Castellón to debut at BME Growth turns 10
The technology Cuatroochenta continues shopping and acquires the Catalan Matrix for 5.5 million
El Economista
New purchase of Cuatroochenta: acquires Matrix for 5.5 million
Cuatroochenta doubles its sales and prepares to land in the US
Cuatroochenta doubles its income and wants to bring its cybersecurity to the US
El Economista
Cuatroochenta accelerates, raises its turnover by 723% in 4 years and already focuses on the US
Valencia Plaza
Cuatroochenta puts the US on its radar after ten years of cloud solutions in 21 countries and one year at BME Growth
Invertia (El Español)
This has been the year I of Cuatroochenta after its incorporation to BME Growth
Inveready enters Cuatroochenta with 4 million euros in convertible bonds
El Economista
Inveready invests in Cuatroochenta with the financing of 4 million and the entry into its shareholding
Invertia - El Español
The new wave of Valencian listed companies that want to conquer the markets
El Economista
Cuatroochenta doubles revenues to 6.88 million euros in the first half of 2021
Valencia Plaza
Cuatroochenta buys the Valencian Develapps for 600.000 euros
El Economista
Cuatroochenta: the humanist technology company that went public
El País
Vicente Montesinos: “The Pre-Market Environment provides knowledge, but also credibility and trust”
Estrategias de Inversión
‘Start up’ that succeed beyond Madrid and Barcelona
BME brings together around thirty small and mid-cap companies with international investors
Estrategias de Inversión
Cuatroochenta, nominated among the 4 SMEs with the greatest international projection
Economía 3
Cuatroochenta doubles its sales in the first quarter
The technology from Castellón Cuatroochenta grows 121% in the first quarter of the year
El Economista
6 entrepreneurs from the provinces who have created global businesses
The technology company Cuatroochenta doubles its turnover in 2020
Cuatroochenta doubles its turnover by billing 11.75 million in the year of the Covid and its IPO
El Mundo
The other ‘start ups’ that venture into the stock market
Cuatroochenta enters the ‘Ibex 35’ of BME Growth
Valencia Plaza
Cuatroochenta completes the purchase of Fama Systems for 4.67 million
Cuatroochenta debuts this Monday continuous contracting in BME Growth
Invertia - El Español
Pavasal enters technology with a 50% subsidiary with Cuatroochenta
El Economista
Financing alternative: BME Growth, the SME stock market, and the success story of Cuatroochenta
Non-Financial Information Statement (NFS)
With the purpose of being a truly responsible and transparent company, out of conviction and commitment to our environment, we published the company's first verified Non-Financial Information Statement.
See Cuatroochenta NFS 2023