At night, Los Sampedros, Burgos is turned upside down, but by the next morning, in the cobblestone streets that surround its imposing cathedral, it seems that nothing has happened. "The cleaning service in Burgos has always been very efficient and I have a special affection for it because the origins of CheckingPlan were with them more than 15 years ago," explains Javier Casero, the creator, along with his colleagues Ricardo Cruz and Eduardo Peña, of a complex technology that apparently solves the management of daily and strategic professional tasks. Today, it is used by tens of thousands of anonymous workers in various countries, almost without their being aware of it. In 2019, it joined Cuatroochenta's offering of products and services through the acquisition of Asintec..
Hospitals, education centres, hotels, airports, restaurants, large facility service companies and real estate management companies have used this intelligent platform for the management and monitoring of their cleaning and maintenance. CheckingPlan has become essential software in their day-to-day that, integrating with the Internet of Things and relying on artificial intelligence, optimises processes and improves productivity. It optimises processes from the most basic tasks, such as the registration of the day, the control of presence or sensorised tasks (for example, notifying the cleaning staff of a public bathroom every pre-determined number of users) to the most sophisticated, such as planning work in a personalised way or preparing business intelligence reports, and processing data.

Based on the experience of implementing ERP systems such as Navision, CheckingPlan was conceived with the aim of optimising the management of tasks, initially of personnel in mobility and currently also measuring average operating times (TMP) in an office environment, to build, step by step, a powerful professional platform that can adapt to multiple work environments.
As explained by Javier Casero, CEO of Asintec, the platform was created to digitally transform urban solid waste management and street cleaning, “but we soon realized, through the clients' own demands, that it was very versatile and could apply to many repetitive, guided and short-term tasks in other sectors. You just had to listen, analyze your needs well and give an agile and personalized response."
Use cases and applications
CheckingPlan, which originated with CleanTec in 2003 and took its current form when it became a cloud-based technology in 2016, is made up of software with three fundamental elements: the frontend, the integration with the Internet of Things, and the BackOffice. The frontend – that is, the interface for the professional – is managed mainly from a desktop in an office environment (desktop user) for the start of operations, linked checklists and completion, also integrating cameras, presence clocks, sensors or other types of hardware; and also in field apps, through mobile devices and tablets at fixed points. The BackOffice, for its part, has a management panel to parameterise, obtain reports and monitor KPIs with OLAP cubes or dashboards adapted to user requirements, with the possibility of being exported in different formats, and contributes to the quality control of processes.
Hospitals, airports, train stations, hotels, education centres and shopping centres..
- Management of recurring, automated, on-demand tasks and incidents.
- Registration of people employed, transfers, shifts and time control.
- Location of assets, services and people; sensorisation.
- Intelligent capacity control by AI andWiFi counting..
- Satisfaction surveys for users.
- Commercial appraisal of advertising, commercial spaces and stands.
Waste collection, road maintenance and street cleaning, green areas and graffiti.
- Field app and sensorisation for the development of tasks.
- Attendance control and multi-clocking systems with assignment of tasks.
- Advanced asset structuring, inventoried in real time.
- Planning of routes, design of work routes.
- Sensorisation and monitoring of fleets and assets.
- Volumetric sensors in containers.
Real estate asset management.
- Structuring of assets and technical-legal documentation.
- Registration of inspection, commercial and API visits.
- Management of keys and incidents, activity tracing, sending to suppliers and monitoring.
- Preventive maintenance and safety.
Registro de jornada: Portal del empleado.
- Fichaje de entrada y salida al puesto de trabajo.
- Para oficinas, tareas de campo, empleados remotos, externos y outsourcing.
- Reportes dinámicos y avisos para trabajadores y RRHH.
- Gestión de vacaciones.
Customers who trust CheckingPlan
Facility Services
The leading Spanish multinationals in the infrastructure, transport and city services sector rely on CheckingPlan to optimise cleaning and maintenance processes on roads, in hospitals, airports, train stations and education centres, including the recruitment of personnel; in some cases, also in their own offices.
- Ferrovial
- Ingesan (OHL)
- Clece (Grupo ACS)
- Valoriza (Sacyr Vallehermoso)
The Society for the Management of Assets from Bank Restructuring (Sareb) relies on the platform to manage 140,000 real estate assets, which translates into some 500 technicians who use the app and the BackOffice every day to control maintenance and other technical details of housing stock.
The management of outsourced business operations (BPO) carried out by Adecco for some of its clients is one of the most consolidated applications of CheckingPlan, with a desktop user model in the office to carry out recurring tasks, with start, checklist and completion.
Four reasons to use CheckingPlan
The adaptability of a robust system..
CheckingPlan has a solid track record in different sectors and professional environments that makes it reliable whilst being, at the same time, 100% flexible and parameterisable to respond to new needs.
An intuitive and easy-to-use platform.
For any professional profile.
Contribution to business intelligence.
Helping to make strategic decisions with objectivity, based on the traceability of activities and detailed reports.
Compatibility and integration.
With other management systems (CRM, ERP) and professional software.