Red Cross and the SEC trusted Cuatroochenta to develop the Ariadna app, a collaborative reference map to locate defibrillators in Spain.

Did you know that in the event of cardiorespiratory arrest, survival is reduced by 10% per minute? In order to react as quickly as possible to this situation, the Red Cross and the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC) have created the Ariadna application, developed by Cuatroochenta, a collaborative map of defibrillators in Spain with their geolocation.


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Choose to register as a tracker to be able to register new AEDs, or as a collaborator if you are someone qualified to attend emergencies (medical personnel, etc.).

Ariadna allows anyone who has downloaded the app to react quickly to a cardiorespiratory arrest, showing the defibrillator closest to your location on your mobile, both in public and private spaces.

In addition to volunteers trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), anyone can upload or confirm the location of AEDs, complete with photographs of the site, to make it easier to locate them in an emergency.


The app, in addition to being a collaborative map for locating defibrillators, is an example of how it is possible to apply technology in the field of health for social purposes. "There are already more than 1,000 defibrillators located, and it is important that people join the initiative because having an application showing the closest device that can save a life is essential," as explained by Domingo Marzal, cardiologist and Director of Innovation and Digital Strategy in Sanitas, in Video Tip 480 on the occasion of their participation in the Talk # EnModoAvión on eHealth: “Can a mobile cure?”.

The application is a tool that enables a rapid response to cases of cardiorespiratory arrest and allows any user to contribute to updating the AED registry in Spain, with the aim that more and more will be accessible.