

Be Cuatroochenter

Recognition to the first year of hard work and a boost to the projects we are undertaking in 2013. And all this in a particularly difficult economic environment, which makes it even more satisfying.

The jury valued the technological development, services and business model of Soluciones Cuatroochenta SL. which encompasses two distinct areas: on the one hand mobile application development and advanced software programming (Cuatroochenta) and on the other hand marketing, technology and innovation consulting (Vennova). We also want to congratulate the other company winners (Gemenar, La Cara B de la Ciudad y Magnificart Restauradores y Socialnets), as well as the project winners (Alternativa-Gestión del Conflicto, Hospitality Valencia, Lug Energy, My Energy Map, My Ker Box, Neuropharmatest, Tibio, Video CV On, Yeeply y Zumbidos).

Cuatroochenta began to take shape in late 2008 as a result of the natural alliance between the previous companies of Sergio Aguado (software engineer, technical manager) and Alfredo R. Cebrian (publicist, business development manager). It was finally born in November 2011 in order to meet demand with an innovative project.

The final push arrived with a joint project: the development of the Market Information System for the Port Authority of Castellon, which led to other ad hoc software projects and, above all, to the Smartphone application market, then yet incipient. All this under the synergies between the marketing and competitive intelligence consultancy services of Vennova.

Cuatroochenta gana premio Bancaja 2012

A model that has enabled us to generate sales with a wider service offer without loss of positioning for any of both brands and ultimately, more and better opportunities.

In many cases, clients of one brand require the services of the other one. This soon began to bear fruit, such as the development of a business management application for iPad for the fourth pharmaceutical company in Spain, Faes Farma. This work became the first major milestone for Cuatroochenta, followed by many others: radiological images viewer, EMT Valencia, Villarreal FC, Charming Hotels, 480 Interactive… An intense pace of work which required duplicating the team in one year, up to 12 people.

Not forgetting the work of Vennova with projects in the field of market research and marketing consultancy, which also includes social media and communication services, with major companies and institutions in our area: Castellon Port, Jaume I University, Michavila, Rallo Logistics... All this made by a young team, with an average age of just over 30 years. We have so much to learn....and there we are, with the engine running and at full capacity. Awards like the one from Bancaja, with 18 years of life, are a good energy boost. Thank you very much.

> (12-17-2012).

> (12-18-2012).

>Valencia Plaza (12-18-2012).

>La Verdad de Murcia (12-17-2012).

> (12-18-2012).

>Espaitec (12-18-2012).

>El Periò (12-18-2012).

>Mone Monkey (12-18-2102).