Ayuntamiento de Castellón


App development

Official application of La Magdalena with all events scheduled for the founding parties of Castellón. Includes a complete map of the party to consult quickly and dynamically.

This is the official App of La Magdalena, and contains all the programmed events for the Castellón’s foundation feasts. It is linked to a complete map where you can search quickly and dynamically. It gives you information of all the concerts, parades, firework shows, traditional acts and activities for children programmed by the Junta de Festas. You can also receive notifications. In the 2016 edition the App also includes activities organized by some collectives, such as ‘gaiatas’ or ‘collas’, as well as music performances organized by private producers in concert halls or outdoors, gathered by Nomepierdoniuna.net and EspaiMenut.com.

With La Magdalena App you can check the agenda sorted by time frames or days, and customize it with your favorite events sorted by category or individually, including all the extended information for each one. In the map, you can also locate all the points of interest such as the ‘gaiatas’, the main ‘collas’ or restaurants, and the places where events are taking place, as well as those which are near you at the time of use.

Developed by Cuatroochenta for the Castellón’s Junta de Frestas since 2011, it is available for iOS and Android and has had 17,000 downloads in 2016.

Magdalena App, desarrollada por Cuatroochenta

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